Hi, I'm Gabriel "Mondo" Vega. I've been an avid gamer all my life. I now have the pleasure of owning and running the ConQuest Conventions in San Francisco, Seattle, Sacramento, and SoCal. This blog will follow the mad quixotic quest to bring a wonderful gaming convention to every major city on the West Coast!
ConQuest Goes International - ConQuest BC!

Hi gang,
We are reporting to you live from Surrey, British Columbia, where ConQuest BC is well underway.
We have about 100 happy gamers playing all manner of miniature, role playing and board games! Here are some pictures of the revelry!
Just about every table was full of people playing games on Saturday morning!
It's always great to be able to host Monster Games - wargames of an expansive scale - and we had two of them hosted this weekend!

Totalar Kreig GM'd by Rick White, and Third Reich hosted by Andrew Nick.
These games generally take up multiple tables and days to play!
For more information go to
http://www.conquestbc.com. We still have one day badges available for Sunday, so come on down and join us!
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