Living La Vida Mondo!

Hi, I'm Gabriel "Mondo" Vega. I've been an avid gamer all my life. I now have the pleasure of owning and running the ConQuest Conventions in San Francisco, Seattle, Sacramento, and SoCal. This blog will follow the mad quixotic quest to bring a wonderful gaming convention to every major city on the West Coast!

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

La Vida Mondo 2.0

Hi gang,

Welcome to The Adventures of Mondo. Pretty much this'll be where I will write things to share with the community about the ConQuest Conventions and other game related experiences. I will write about my thoughts on the shows, directions to go, cool ideas being percolated, and why I did or didn't like the current blockbuster flick. I'd also like to hear from you, especially if you have ideas about what we could do better. Comments are 'on', but I've got it set to moderate, so be nice.

I'll also try to include a photo with each post, well, just because. This picture is from October 2004 at the re-opening of the gamestore I own called The Name of the Game. Here I am with a couple Giants of the industry...Peter Adkison (founder of Wizards of the Coast - Owner of Gencon) and Anthony Gallela (Executive Director of GAMA the industry trade organization.) What I want to know is if they are giants, how come I'm so much bigger?


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