New Digs in Sacramento

Hi gang,
Well, after searching hill and dale for the right spot for Sacramento, it appears that we are close to landing at the Sacramento Marriott Rancho Cordova, which could house us for quite a few years.
The big Rancho Cordova room will have the registration area just to the south of the opening, so it is what will welcome gamers into the convention. Its over half the size of the big room at the Red Lion, so it should meet our miniature and open gaming needs quite well!
The California Ballroom will house the dealers area, boardgaming, and some RPGs. The Jr. Ballroom will house the RPGA events. If we are awarded the Kotei again, we would look to the Newport room, across the swimming pool, to house them. There are smaller meetings rooms within the hotel to house more RPG play.
We'd use one room for both seminars and movie room, with the movies running throughout the late night, and seminars during the day on Saturday and Sunday. This would also be the first year for an auction at the show. No big guests planned as of yet. If you all have suggestions, send in your requests.
If you want to join the discussion list for ConQuest SAC, go to and join up! It's a great way to make arrangements to share rooms, or participate in the polls we will hold about the show.
Take care, and see you there,
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