Hi gang,
Anyone who knows Alan knows him to have spent his life pursuing and promoting the hobby. There are few people who have done more in his life than Alan has. He co-created Strategicon (LA's gaming conventions) while still in High School. In 1977 he held the first Orccon at Cal State Fullerton. In 1981 he would attend "Pacific Origins" in the Bay Area. Later, in 1986, he would host LA Origins 86, generally regarded as one of the best Origins' ever. He has written hundreds of articles about gaming, published wargaming magazines, and for 20 years was the best and most popular auctioneer in the region.
And he's coming to town. Alan has agreed to be our Auctioneer at ConQuest this year. Now, I've sold things at his auctions before, years ago. Let me tell you, I'm bringing all the games I've been saving over the past ten years because no one will get a better price for them, than Alan will. So this is the year to bring in the goods, folks! It doesn't get better than Alan Emrich as an auctioneer!
Mr. Emrich will also be offering a couple of seminars during the weekend on game design. Full bio will be published in about a weeks time on the website.
See you at the show!
Wow, Dr. Emrich as special guest, I'm looking forward to meeting him. I'm not sure what was broken with Auction/Flea Market last year to cause changes to this year schedule. The only thing I notice is that there was lack of items to generate any buying interest at the Auction. This may be an Ebay effect since a lot of gaming materials are sold that way.
Looking at my record, there was only 85 lots of non-vintages(highly sought after) vs the 400+ at Kublacon 2007. The vintage lot only had 2 items: SPI Dark Ages and the specially crafted Wooden storage box for Settler of Catan (along with river of gold expansion). I was the high bidder on most of the regular lots since I was rounding out my collection(Out of $1000 of good sold, I ended up spending close to $200). I was the only one competiting against Mark who is a regular in all Pacificon auctions.
Flea Market has also suffered as I didn't really see anything worthwhile to get. One of the seller was trying to sell his stuff at Ebay price(!!), I'm sure he was the disappointed one. Just don't put it on Friday Night and Monday Morning, not all of us attend during those hours.
Moving down to Santa Clara makes sense to me, better facility there and gave me the perfect excuse to get away since I'm in Milpitas. Looking at my record, there was only 85 lots of non-vintages(highly sought after) vs the 400+ at Kublacon 2007. The vintage lot only had 2 items: SPI Dark Ages and the specially crafted Wooden storage box for Settler of Catan (along with river of gold expansion). I was the high bidder on most of the regular lots since I was rounding out my collection(Out of $1000 of good sold, I ended up spending close to $200). I was the only one competiting against Mark who is a regular in all Pacificon auctions.
Flea Market has also suffered as I didn't really see anything worthwhile to get. One of the seller was trying to sell his stuff at Ebay price(!!), I'm sure he was the disappointed one. Just don't put it on Friday Night and Monday Morning, not all of us attend during those hours.
Moving down to Santa Clara makes sense to me, better facility there and gave me the perfect excuse to get away since I'm in Milpitas.
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