Hi gang,
The sites been surveyed. The negotiations have finished. Agreements drawn and looked over by rules lawyers. And now, we have a signed deal.
We have a new hotel for next year, and an old name comes back. Classic Coke has come home. It safe to drink soft drinks again....
Who - Why - Where - When - Why!
WHO - ConQuest SF is expanding its name to (trumpets, please)...
WHY - When I purchased the show, I knew that it really was the son of Pacificon, a show that I had fond memories of, and looked forward to the day when we would reclaim that part of this show's history. That day has come, as we continue to build the show into something grander and more wonderful!
ConQuest SF - Pacificon Game Exposition is moving in 2008 (next year) to the
Santa Clara Marriott Hotel in the South Bay. (This year's show will still be in the San Francisco Airport Marriott Hotel.)
Labor Day Weekend, 2007 - San Francisco Airport Marriott Hotel
Labor Day Weekend, 2008 - Santa Clara Marriott Hotel
Labor Day Weekend, 2009 - Santa Clara Marriott Hotel
Labor Day Weekend, 2010 - Santa Clara Marriott Hotel
WHY - The Santa Clara Marriott hotel can handle the needs of our growing show for years and years to come. It gives us growing room, flexibility, and if when we outgrow the meeting space at the Marriott Hotel, it's just a couple of blocks to the Santa Clara Convention Center. 97% of the show is on the ground floor. Santa Clara is a more competitive environment for hotels, so we should be able to continue getting a good deal there for years to come. The SF Airport hotel was going to cost us as much more in room rates and parking rates in the upcoming years, and it had NO growth opportunities for us as our show grows. So, it's one more year in Burlingame, and then off to Santa Clara...
Alexis Randall, the ConQuest Special Events & RPG Manager wanted me to include the following:
Hey all,
I wanted to let everyone know my about my excitement in regards to our new home in 2008. I was able to accompany Gabriel on a site tour recently and even I, jaded by conventions and working in hotels, was impressed.
The Santa Clara Marriott gives us a tremendous amount of flexibility with space and room to grow in all areas of our programming. Of course with me being so heavily involved in RPGs, one of the opportunities I found so terrific about the Santa Clara Marriott is that we will be able to have 21 individual RPG rooms on the first floor right near the main convention area. That's right, no elevators to wait for while you're trying to get to your game! Another bonus to these rooms is that they have sliding glass doors to outside. Tired of stale hotel air, open the door!
With the amount of space inside, a large parking lot, Great America within walking distance among other popular attractions nearby (providing entertainment for your non-gaming spouses,) I am excited to the point of giddiness about our new home at the Santa Clara Marriott in 2008 and years to come!
Alexis Randall
So there you have it. Our new name, and our new home. Pacificon. ConQuest. Santa Clara. If you have any questions...just post 'em and we'll answer 'em as best we can.
Take care,